ASSET Workshop at TUM

Also see information on EI SEC

Towards long term secure Internet-of Things

The Internet of Things is a promising technology, interconnecting machines, sensors, actuators, and other devices on the Internet. The current trend is to make the network smart enough to manage auto-configuration, self-adaptation, self-healing, and to perform intelligent routing. The standards and current research in the Internet of Things enable application of this technology to domains such as smart cities, the smart grid, and Industry 4.0. However, the IoT can only be densely deployed if the associated technologies are secured.

ASSET workshop shows the work that aim to enhance security of the Internet of Things and strengthen its resilience against cyber-attacks.


Thursday 28th February

  • J.M. Dutertre: Laser fault injection into the Flash memory of a micro-controller
  • P. Emmerich: Safe and Secure User Space Drivers
  • R. Falk: Important research topics for Security in Industrial Control Systems
  • T. Fritzmann: PQ coprocessor for RISC V and ARM FPGA SoC
  • B. Gammel: Security Architecture for IFX Security Controllers
  • J. Gravelier: Remote side channel attacks
  • M. Gruber: Fault attack on Klein
  • M. Hiller: Security Features for IoT Devices based on RISC-V
  • M. von Maltitz: Data Querying and Access Control for Secure Multiparty Computation
  • R. Navas: Resilience in IoT
  • M. Pehl: Side channel attack on TERO PUF

Internal tracks took place on 28th February in the morning

Friday 1st March

  • Project discussions
  • Discussion for common activities
    • Presentation of MOOC on IoT security: L. Toutain
    • Lab on IoT Security given at TUM: Thomas Schamberger
    • Status of cooperation on Oscore and DICE in IoT: S. Hristozov & L. Toutain
    • Presentation of redesigned Asset Demo: T. Schamberger
  • Research Hackaton
  • Possible other topics:
    • Summer School IoT Security & Communication
    • Ideas for common EU proposals

ASSET Meeting at Rennes

Monday, October 1st

  • 10:00-11:45: Renzo Navas' PhD: First Results Presentation and discussion. "A MTD Strategy: Secure Spreading Codes for Wireless Communications" [Slides]
  • 11:45–12:15 Demonstration of attacks against industrial control systems (Fabien Autrel and Roberto Bastos)
  • 14:00–14:30 Network slicing for 5G: survey and challenges (Luis Suarez)
  • 14:30–15:00 Security issues in Internet of Persons, Things and Services (Marco Come-Lobe) [Slides]
  • 15:00–15:30 A survey of USB related attacks and design of a filtering module (Xiaoshu Ji)
  • 16:00–16:30 Hardware attacks and software induced HW attacks (Georg Sigl) [Slides]
  • 16:30–17:00 Measurements of Trustworthy Networked Systems (Georg Carle)
  • 17:00–17-30 Blacklisting in IEEE 802.15.4 Networks (Georgios Papadopoulos) [Slides]

Tuesday, October 2nd

Internal discussion took place on the morning of 2nd of October

  • 12:00-12:15 Object security for LPWAN (Laurent Toutain)
  • 14:15-14:45 Diagnostic techniques for security and safety threats in ICS (Edwin Bourget) [Slides]
  • 14:45-15:15 Resilience in Critical Infrastructures (Thomas Clédel) [Slides]

ASSET Workshop at TUM

Also see information on EI SEC

Track 1: Cyber protection solutions for IoT

  • 9:00 Laser- and EM-induced fault instruction skips injection into micro controllers (J.-M. Dutertre)
  • 9:30 Effectiveness of practical Fault Injection Attacks using Lasers (Bodo Selmke)
  • 10:00 Exploiting Bus Communication to Improve Cache Attacks on Systems-on-Chips (Mathieu Gross) [Slides]

Track 2: Cyber defense solutions for IoT

  • 11:00 Presentation PhD thesis (Renzo Navas) [Slides]
  • 11:30 Post-quantum security: NTRU case (Thomas Schamberger)
  • 12:00 Decentralized access controls (Simon Foley) [Slides]
  • 12:30 Secure Multiparty Computation in the Internet of Things (Marcel von Maltitz) [Slides]

Internal tracks took place on 15th of March and in the afternoon of 16th of March.